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A tradition of excellence, for more than 60 years.

“The main purpose of these fireplaces is the ambiance and comfort of a wood fire, with doors opened or closed. If needed, they are also an alternate source of heat.

It all started in 1958, when brothers Auguste and Lucien Valcourt founded the company Valcourt et Frère Enr. Very talented, they first stood out in the manufacture of stairs and wrought iron balconies that adorned the most beautiful homes of Quebec. Guided by his creativity, Auguste began in 1975 the manufacture of custom fireplace doors and slowly relinquished stairs and balconies. Once again, the quality of the products offered allowed the company to stand out in this new adventure.

It was in 1992 that Valcourt discovered its true vocation and manufactured its first wood fireplace: the Manoir. Just as popular with consumers as with industry experts, this model has been replicated by multiple manufacturers without ever being matched. A few years later, Valcourt innovated again with its legendary guillotine fireplace, called Antoinette. Very first guillotine wood fireplace on the market, this model is the pioneer of this type and was a major success. Over the years, the fireplace industry has undergone many changes in environmental standards that have imposed increasingly severe restrictions. Living up to its previous successes, Valcourt has brilliantly met these new challenges and launched in 2015 the largest wood fireplace on the market that meets the EPA requirements. Guided by endless creativity and the desire to offer the best to its customers, Valcourt continues this tradition of excellence and presents in 2020 a whole new range of fireplaces.”

Valcourt Fall Promotion
September 15th - December 31st, 2024

When customers purchase a Valcourt unit with a participating dealer, they will receive a plush throw, and their choice of either an Equiss Log Holder with a Papyrus Tool Set, or a Fusio Log Holder with a Papyrus tool set.

All Customers need to do is grab their consumer invoice or receipt, unit serial number and head over to WWW.VALCOURTINC.COM/EN/PROMOTIONS to fill out a form to receive their promotional package.

All Dealers need to do is fill out the Opt-In Form provided here, and order the number of promotional packages they wish to give out. Need further details? You can find it in the information sheet below!

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Featured Valcourt Fireplaces